Monday, November 26, 2012

Consumption Marketing Shares Business Branding Tips

Consumption Marketing, a division of The asterism* Group, understands the concept of consistent, creative and conceptual corporate branding. The way a company presents itself - each and every day - from consistency of logo displays to online advertising to client newsletters to timely public and media relations campaigns, branding a business is a 24-hour proposition.

Done effectively, a business will grow in client loyalty, client recruitment and comprehensive awareness within an established business community.

Executed poorly - or not at all - and a business will flounder with its identity, resulting in a "low energy" outcome of stagnant accounts, low client recruitment success and zero recognition within the business community in which it operates.

CJ DiRoma, President of Consumption Marketing, reports: "All too often, businesses fail to realize their own marketing power and potential. They do not issue press releases. They do not update social media and web content to promote new services or company activities. They neglect creating opportunities for customer appreciation and client recruitment. They do not explore promotional marketing opportunities. They do not create a logo that is a stunning representation of the philosophy, spirit and services of their businesses. In short, they are not branding - building a brand, creating an image, promoting company endeavors. They are working tirelessly to make their business a success and to keep their clients happy. Marketing, however, fades away. And, in turn, these businesses fade away."

What can a business do to NOT fade away and EMBRACE the BRAND?

Consumption Marketing offers these tips:

* Look at your company's logo. What does it say about your company? The colors. The design. The theme. If your corporate logo is more reflective of what your company was 10 years ago, perhaps it is time for a change, a rebirth - a relaunch of your company, your services, your corporate energy. A relaunch of a company logo can give the company a new sense of inspiration - motivating team members and reminding clients that your company is NOT one to sit still, but one to GROW, embrace change, get creative, be innovative and ACHIEVE new goals.

* Look at your company's website. ( it!) Pretend you know nothing about your business. No matter if you are the CEO or the webmaster, suspend reality and pretend you are looking at your website with fresh eyes. The eyes of a prospective client! What do YOU see? Do you see news? Do you see company press releases that are NEW? Do you see a clear representation of the company's services, mission, client testimonials, resources you see a BRAND? Jot down a few notes and share with colleagues. What do you ALL see when you visit the website? Is there social media promoted? Is your company active on Facebook? Is your company active on Twitter? Does your company offer tips, expertise and educational bullets to assist clients? If your website truly is NOT working for your company, FIRE it! Or, at least, give it a chance to learn a few new tricks!

"The way a business, regardless of size, presents itself to its clients and prospective clients is so important - critically important," DiRoma shares. "From the logo to the website to the Facebook page and beyond, consistency in message, consistency in branding and consistency in communications internally and externally play a major role in creating and maintaining a well-branded company that understands itself, as well as its employees - and clients."

For more information on Consumption Marketing, visit The asterism* Group at

The asterism* Group is comprised of three divisions: Station Avenue Productions, Consumption Marketing and Little Flower Creative. The asterism* Group is a boutique collective of professional services including event management, event coordination, event planning, event branding, event entertainment coordination, public and media relations, corporate marketing, business branding, graphic design, business and home decor consultation and styling and creative consultation for home and business.

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